Try putting your metal detector in “all metal” or “zero descrim” mode to make sure it can hear the targets. Put your metal detector in “all metal” mode and completely clear the area of all targets (dig everything, however faint!) so that your garden starts clean. Thousands of coins along with tokens good for gold, silver or even metal detectors more are buried in our hunt field for your detecting pleasure! Two men in Cornwall, England, graduated from metal detector hobbyists to bona fide treasure hunters when they discovered a stash of nearly 2000 Roman coins buried in a farmer’s freshly plowed field. That way the detector will be able to work deeper but you may end up finding a lot of trash. But, if your coil is protected by a cover, go ahead. Beach metal detecting is hunting for lost coins, jewelry, etc on a beach. I think when we say gold machine; it still remains a generic term to differentiate a good prospecting machine from a typical coin/jewelry type detector. So, What is the Difference between metal detector and gold detector? The basic principle of operation for the common industrial metal detector is based on a 3 coil design. A tiny Roman coin found with a metal detector 30 years ago is set to fetch more than $12,000 at auction, after it was revealed to be the only one of its kind in the world. If you’re serious about metal detecting and ready to upgrade from an entry-level detector, you won’t be disappointed. The Garrett AT Pro is an outstanding metal detector – especially considering the mid-range price – and it’s well-deserving of a place on my list of the best detectors. We have enjoyed working with Michael, Daniel and their esteemed team at Detector Electronics Corp. I have been impressed by the professional approach and the experience of Daniel, Michael and the entire team at Detector Electronics Corp. We at Treasure Products, manufacturer of the Vibra-Probe and Vibra-Tector, want to congratulate Daniel and Michael on the admirable milestone of being in business for over three decades. If your machine doesn’t do this you can buy a separate pinpointer such as the Garrett Carrot I mentioned above. Metal detectors are sensitive and pick up magnetic signals which can bounce back from jewelry, relics, coins, minerals and even salt. Heavier machines tire you quickly, so a hip mounted detector is good news. Coins are made from different metals, so you might want to adjust your frequency for specific coinage. For instance, if you kept finding nails and soda can pull-tabs that were reading at target IDs between 25 and 35, you can use notching to eliminate that range of numbers and only get readings for values below or above. Discrimination comes in handy because it allows you to filter out metals you don’t want to find, like soda can pull tabs and other trash. Using that data, we calculated how many times each detector got it right and assigned a corresponding grade. It doesn’t come with a backlight, which can make hunting in low-light conditions or in the middle of the day frustrating. Like all settings on the AT Pro, this is simple and intuitive. finding old coins with metal detector At the top of the control panel, there’s a legend showing potential target categories. Most importantly, I feel the AT Pro’s control panel is easy to use and read when in the field. The all metal mode and discrimination mode allow you to do both selective and all on hunting. The Iron audio tech allows to detect iron with the different signal, and it also changes the tone with the type of target. It is also the best pulse induction metal detector for gold nuggets. The iron audio tech, digital target ID analysis allows to find more treasure and less trash also. If any beginners want to buy this metal detector for simple hunting, he must be the gainer in fact. The audio tone doesn’t provide much additional information about the target though. Both modes can be used with the three search modes, but provide a very different audio experience. While most machines are designed as all around detectors for coin, jewelry, and relics, there are also specialty machines for different uses. Most new hobbyists tend to spend $150-$300 on their first detector. Anything below that isn’t really considered a detector – it’s considered a toy.